Selected Publications

An architecturally rational hemostat for rapid stopping of massive bleeding on anticoagulation therapy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024

Lee, V.K., Lee, T., Ghosh, A., Saha, T., Bais, M.V., Bharani, K.K., Chag, M., Parikh, K., Bhatt, P., Namgung, B., Venkataramanan, G., Agrawal, A., Sonage, K., Mavely, L., Sengupta, S., Mashelkar, R.A. and Jang, H.L.

An inexpensive “do-it-yourself” device for rapid generation of uniform tumor spheroids

Device. 2024 FRONT COVER

Namgung, B., Dai, H., Vikraman, P.P., Saha, T., Sengupta, S. and Jang, H.L.

A potent antibiotic-loaded bone-cement implant against staphylococcal bone infections

Nature biomedical engineering. 2022

Ghosh, S., Sinha, M., Samanta, R., Sadhasivam, S., Bhattacharyya, A., Nandy, A., Saini, S., Tandon, N., Singh, H., Gupta, S., Chauhan, A., Aavula, K.K., Varghese, S.S., Shi, P., Ghosh, S., Garg, M.K., Saha, T., Padhey, A., Ghosh, S., Jang, H.L. and Sengupta, S.

Intercellular nanotubes mediate mitochondrial trafficking between cancer and immune cells

Nature Nanotechnology. 2022 FRONT COVER

Saha, T., Dash, C., Jayabalan, R., Khiste, S., Kulkarni, A., Kurmi, K., Mondal, J., Majumder, P.K., Bardia, A., Jang, H.L. and Sengupta, S.

Computationally designed antibody-drug conjugates self-assembled via affinity ligands

Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2019

Gupta, N., Ansari, A., Dhoke, G.V., Chilamari, M., Sivaccumar, J., Kumari, S., Chatterjee, S., Goyal, R., Dutta, P.K., Samarla, M., Mukherjee, M., Sarkar, A., Mandal, S.K., Rai, V., Biswas, G., Sengupta, A., Roy, S., Roy, M. and Sengupta, S.

Transcellular transfer of nanomedicine

Nature Nanotechnology. 2019

Jang, H.L. and Sengupta, S.

A designer self-assembled supramolecule amplifies macrophage immune responses against aggressive cancer

Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2018

Kulkarni, A., Chandrasekar, V., Natarajan, S.K., Ramesh, A., Pandey, P., Nirgud, J., Bhatnagar, H., Ashok, D., Ajay, A.K. and Sengupta, S.

Development of a facile antibody-drug conjugate platform for increased stability and homogeneity

Chemical science. 2017

Gupta, N., Kancharla, J., Kaushik, S., Ansari, A., Hossain, S., Goyal, R., Pandey, M., Sivaccumar, J., Hussain, S., Sarkar, A., Sengupta, A., Mandal, S.K., Roy, M. and Sengupta, S.

Cancer nanomedicine: lessons for immuno-oncology

Trends in cancer. 2017

Sengupta, S.

Rationally designed 2-in-1 nanoparticles can overcome adaptive resistance in cancer

ACS Nano. 2016

Goldman, A., Kulkarni, A., Kohandel, M., Pandey, P., Rao, P., Natarajan, S.K., Sabbisetti, V. and Sengupta, S.

Combining immune checkpoint inhibitors and kinase-inhibiting supramolecular therapeutics for enhanced anti-cancer efficacy

ACS Nano. 2016

Kulkarni, A., Natarajan, S.K., Chandrasekar, V., Pandey, P.R. and Sengupta, S.

Algorithm for designing nanoscale supramolecular therapeutics with increased anticancer efficacy

ACS Nano. 2016

Kulkarni, A., Pandey, P., Rao, P., Mahmoud, A., Goldman, A., Sabbisetti, V., Parcha, S., Natarajan, S.K., Chandrasekar, V., Dinulescu, D., Roy, S. and Sengupta, S.

Reporter nanoparticle that monitors its anticancer efficacy in real time

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016

Kulkarni, A., Rao, P., Natarajan, S., Goldman, A., Sabbisetti, V.S., Khater, Y., Korimerla, N., Chandrasekar, V., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

Temporally sequenced anticancer drugs overcome adaptive resistance by targeting a vulnerable chemotherapy-induced phenotypic transition

Nature Communication. 2015

Goldman, A., Majumder, B., Dhawan, A., Ravi, S., Goldman, D., Kohandel, M., Majumder, P.K. and Sengupta, S.

Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using an ex vivo platform that captures tumour heterogeneity

Nature Communication. 2015

Majumder, B., Baraneedharan, U., Thiyagarajan, S., Radhakrishnan, P., Narasimhan, H., Dhandapani, M., Brijwani, N., Pinto, D.D., Prasath, A., Shanthappa, B.U., Thayakumar, A., Surendran, R., Badu, G.K., Shenoy, A.M., Kuriakose, M.A. Bergthold, G., Horowitz, P., Load, M., Beroukhim, R., Agarwal, S., Sengupta, S., Sundaram, M. and Majumder, P.K.

Physical nanoscale conduit-mediated communication between tumour cells and the endothelium modulates endothelial phenotype

Nature Communication. 2015

Connor, Y., Tekleab, S., Nandakumar, S., Walls, C., Tekleab, Y., Husain, A., Gadish, O., Sabbisetti, V., Kaushik, S., Sehrawat, S., Kulkarni, A., Dvorak, H., Zetter, B., Edelman, E.R. and Sengupta, S.

A cholesterol-tethered platinum ii-based supramolecular nanoparticle increases antitumor efficacy and reduces nephrotoxicity

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012

Sengupta, P., Basu, S., Soni, S., Pandey, A., Roy, B., Oh, M.S., Chin, K.T., Paraskar, A.S., Sarangi, S., Connor, Y., Sabbisetti, V.S., Kopparam, J., Kulkarni, A., Muto, K., Amarasiriwardena, C., Jayawardene, I., Lupoli, N., Dinulescu, D.M., Bonventre, J.V., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

Temporal targeting of tumour cells and neovasculature with a nanoscale delivery system

Nature. 2005

Sengupta, S., Eavarone, D., Capila, I., Zhao, G., Watson, N., Kiziltepe, T. and Sasisekharan, R.

All Publications

An architecturally rational hemostat for rapid stopping of massive bleeding on anticoagulation therapy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2024

Lee, V.K., Lee, T., Ghosh, A., Saha, T., Bais, M.V., Bharani, K.K., Chag, M., Parikh, K., Bhatt, P., Namgung, B., Venkataramanan, G., Agrawal, A., Sonage, K., Mavely, L., Sengupta, S., Mashelkar, R.A. and Jang, H.L.

An inexpensive “do-it-yourself” device for rapid generation of uniform tumor spheroids

Device. 2024 FRONT COVER

Namgung, B., Dai, H., Vikraman, P.P., Saha, T., Sengupta, S. and Jang, H.L.

A potent antibiotic-loaded bone-cement implant against staphylococcal bone infections

Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2022

Ghosh, S., Sinha, M., Samanta, R., Sadhasivam, S., Bhattacharyya, A., Nandy, A., Saini, S., Tandon, N., Singh, H., Gupta, S., Chauhan, A., Aavula, K.K., Varghese, S.S., Shi, P., Ghosh, S., Garg, M.K., Saha, T., Padhey, A., Ghosh, S., Jang, H.L. and Sengupta, S.

Intercellular nanotubes mediate mitochondrial trafficking between cancer and immune cells

Nature Nanotechnology. 2022 FRONT COVER

Saha, T., Dash, C., Jayabalan, R., Khiste, S., Kulkarni, A., Kurmi, K., Mondal, J., Majumder, P.K., Bardia, A., Jang, H.L. and Sengupta, S.

Computationally designed antibody-drug conjugates self-assembled via affinity ligands

Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2019

Gupta, N., Ansari, A., Dhoke, G.V., Chilamari, M., Sivaccumar, J., Kumari, S., Chatterjee, S., Goyal, R., Dutta, P.K., Samarla, M., Mukherjee, M., Sarkar, A., Mandal, S.K., Rai, V., Biswas, G., Sengupta, A., Roy, S., Roy, M. and Sengupta, S.

Transcellular transfer of nanomedicine

Nature Nanotechnology. 2019

Jang, H.L. and Sengupta, S.

Targeting tumor phenotypic plasticity and metabolic remodeling in adaptive cross-drug tolerance

Science Signaling. 2019

Goldman, A., Khiste, S., Freinkman, E., Dhawan, A., Majumder, B., Mondal, J., Pinkerton, A.B., Eton, E., Medhi, R., Chandrasekar, V., Rahman, M.M., Ichimura, T., Gopinath, K.S., Majumder, P., Kohandel, M. and Sengupta, S.

A Microfabricated Sandwiching Assay for Nanoliter and High-Throughput Biomarker Screening

Small. 2019

Bandaru, P., Chu, D., Sun, W., Lasli, S., Zhao, C., Hou, S., Zhang, S., Ni, J., Cefaloni, G., Ahadian, S., Dokmeci, M.R., Sengupta, S., Lee, J. and Khademhosseini, A.

Organ-on-a-Chip for Cancer and Immune Organs Modeling

Advanced Healthcare Material. 2019

Sun, W., Luo, Z., Lee, J., Kim, H.J., Lee, K., Tebon, P., Feng, Y., Dokmeci, M.R., Sengupta, S. and Khademhosseini, A.

Applications of nanotechnology for regenerative medicine; Healing tissues at the nanoscale

InPrinciples of regenerative medicine. 2019

Yang, Y., Chawla, A., Zhang, J., Esa, A., Jang, H.L. and Khademhosseini, A.

A designer self-assembled supramolecule amplifies macrophage immune responses against aggressive cancer

Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2018

Kulkarni, A., Chandrasekar, V., Natarajan, S.K., Ramesh, A., Pandey, P., Nirgud, J., Bhatnagar, H., Ashok, D., Ajay, A.K. and Sengupta, S.

A rationally designed multi-functional antibiotic for the treatment of drug-resistant acne

Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2018

Ghosh, S., Sinha, M., Bhattacharyya, A., Sadhasivam, S., Megha, J., Reddy, S., Saini, S., Singh, H., Kumar, D., Kaur, S.P., Mishra, M., Usharani, D., Ghosh, S. and Sengupta, S.

Injectable shear thinning hydrogels for delivering osteogenic and angiogenic cells and growth factors

Biomaterial Science. 2018

Alarçin, E., Lee, T.Y., Karuthedom, S., Mohammadi, M., Brennan, M.A., Lee, D.H., Marrella, A., Zhang, J., Syla, D., Zhang, Y.S., Khademhosseini, A. and Jang, H.L.

Synergistic interplay between the two major bone minerals, hydroxyapatite and whitlockite nanoparticles, for osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells

Acta Biomaterialia. 2018

Cheng, H., Chabok, R., Guan, X., Chawla, A., Li, Y., Khademhosseini, A. and Jang, H.L.

Engineering vascularized and innervated bone biomaterials for improved skeletal tissue regeneration

Materials Today. 2018

Marrella, A., Lee, T.Y., Lee, D.H., Karuthedom, S., Syla, D., Chawla, A., Khademhosseini, A. and Jang, H.L.

Development of a facile antibody-drug conjugate platform for increased stability and homogeneity

Chemical science. 2017

Gupta, N., Kancharla, J., Kaushik, S., Ansari, A., Hossain, S., Goyal, R., Pandey, M., Sivaccumar, J., Hussain, S., Sarkar, A., Sengupta, A., Mandal, S.K., Roy, M. and Sengupta, S.

Cancer nanomedicine: lessons for immuno-oncology

Trends in cancer. 2017

Sengupta, S.

Evaluation of therapeutic potential of vb-001, a leave-on formulation, for the treatment of moderate adherent dandruff

BMC dermatology. 2017

Bhattacharyya, A., Jain, N., Prasad, S., Jain, S., Yadav, V., Ghosh, S. and Sengupta, S.

3D printed anchoring sutures for permanent shaping of tissues

Macromolecular bioscience. 2017

Wei, W., Li, Y., Yang, H., Nassab, R., Shahriyari, F., Akpek, A., Guan, X., Liu, Y., Taranejoo, S., Tamayol, A., Zhang, Y.S., Khademhosseini, A. and Jang, H.L.

Chondroitin sulfate-based biomineralizing surface hydrogels for bone tissue engineering

ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2017

Kim, H.D., Lee, E.A., An, Y.H., Kim, S.L., Lee, S.S., Yu, S.J., Jang, H.L., Nam, K.T., Im, S.G. and Hwang, N.S.

Cold‐spray coating of hydroxyapatite on a three‐dimensional polyetheretherketone implant and its biocompatibility evaluated by in vitro and in vivo minipig model

Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 2017

Lee, J.H., Jang, H.L., Lee, K.M., Baek, H.R., Jin, K. and Noh, J.H.

Biomimetic whitlockite inorganic nanoparticles-mediated in situ remodeling and rapid bone regeneration

Biomaterials. 2017

Kim, H.D., Jang, H.L., Ahn, H.Y., Lee, H.K., Park, J., Lee, E.S., Lee, E.A., Jeong, Y.H., Kim, D.G., Nam, K.T. and Hwang, N.S.

Rapid continuous multimaterial extrusion bioprinting

Advanced Material. 2017

Liu, W., Zhang, Y.S., Heinrich, M.A., De Ferrari, F., Jang, H.L., Bakht, S.M., Alvarez, M.M., Yang, J., Li, Y.C., Trujillo‐de Santiago, G., Miri, A.K., Khoshakhlagh, P., Prakash, G., Cheng, H., Guan, X., Zhong, Z., Ju, J., Zhu, G., Jin, X., Shin, S.R., Dokmeci, M.R. and Khademhosseini, A.

Development of nanomaterials for bone targeted drug delivery

Drug Discovery Today. 2017

Cheng, H., Chawla, A., Yang, Y., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Jang, H.L. and Khademhosseini, A.

Development of hydrogels for regenerative engineering

Biotechnology journal. 2017

Guan, X., Avci‐Adali, M., Alarçin, E., Cheng, H., Kashaf, S.S., Li, Y., Chawla, A., Jang, H.L. and Khademhosseini, A.

Rationally designed 2-in-1 nanoparticles can overcome adaptive resistance in cancer

ACS Nano. 2016

Goldman, A., Kulkarni, A., Kohandel, M., Pandey, P., Rao, P., Natarajan, S.K., Sabbisetti, V. and Sengupta, S.

Combining immune checkpoint inhibitors and kinase-inhibiting supramolecular therapeutics for enhanced anti-cancer efficacy

ACS Nano. 2016

Kulkarni, A., Natarajan, S.K., Chandrasekar, V., Pandey, P.R. and Sengupta, S.

Algorithm for designing nanoscale supramolecular therapeutics with increased anticancer efficacy

ACS Nano. 2016

Kulkarni, A., Pandey, P., Rao, P., Mahmoud, A., Goldman, A., Sabbisetti, V., Parcha, S., Natarajan, S.K., Chandrasekar, V., Dinulescu, D., Roy, S. and Sengupta, S.

Heterogeneity and antibiotic resistance in Propionibacterium acnes strains and its therapeutic implications: blurring the lines between commensal and pathogenic phylotypes

Dermatologic Therapy. 2016

Sadhasivam, S., Sinha, M., Saini, S., Kaur, S.P., Gupta, T., Sengupta, S., Ghosh, S. and Sardana, K.

Boosting clinical translation of nanomedicine

Nanomedicine. 2016

Jang, H.L., Zhang, Y.S. and Khademhosseini, A.

Recreating composition, structure, functionalities of tissues at nanoscale for regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine. 2016

Alarçin, E., Guan, X., Kashaf, S.S., Elbaradie, K., Yang, H., Jang, H.L. and Khademhosseini, A.

Graphene-based materials for tissue engineering

Advanced drug delivery reviews. 2016

Shin, S.R., Li, Y.C., Jang, H.L., Khoshakhlagh, P., Akbari, M., Nasajpour, A., Zhang, Y.S., Tamayol, A. and Khademhosseini, A.

Dynamic microenvironment induces phenotypic plasticity of esophageal cancer cells under flow

Scientific reports. 2016

Calibasi Kocal, G., Güven, S., Foygel, K., Goldman, A., Chen, P., Sengupta, S., Paulmurugan, R., Baskin, Y. and Demirci, U.

Supramolecular fusion nanotherapeutic- mediated synergistic inhibition of pi3k and mek pathways

Cancer Research. 2016

Chandrasekar, V., Natarajan, S.K., Sengupta, S. and Kulkarni, A.

Sustained inhibition of cmet-vegfr2 signaling using liposome-mediated delivery increases efficacy and reduces toxicity in kidney cancer

Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine. 2016

Kulkarni, A.A., Vijaykumar, V.E., Natarajan, S.K., Sengupta, S. and Sabbisetti, V.S.

Reporter nanoparticle that monitors its anticancer efficacy in real time

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2016

Kulkarni, A., Rao, P., Natarajan, S., Goldman, A., Sabbisetti, V.S., Khater, Y., Korimerla, N., Chandrasekar, V., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

Drug-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) rely on cell membrane properties to exert anticancer effects

Scientific Reports. 2016

Molavian, H.R., Goldman, A., Phipps, C.J., Kohandel, M., Wouters, B.G., Sengupta, S. and Sivaloganathan, S.

Notch-jagged signalling can give rise to clusters of cells exhibiting a hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype

Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 2016

Boareto, M., Jolly, M.K., Goldman, A., Pietilä, M., Mani, S.A., Sengupta, S., Ben-Jacob, E., Levine, H. and Onuchic, J.N.

Antibiotic-resistant acne: getting under the skin

SeminCutan Med Surg. 2016

Sinha, M., Sadhasivam, S., Bhattacharyya, A., Jain, S., Ghosh, S., Arndt, K.A., Dover, J.S. and Sengupta, S.

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of whitlockite biocompatibility: comparative study with hydroxyapatite and β-tricalcium phosphate

Advanced Healthcare Material. 2016

Jang, H.L., Zheng, G.B., Park, J., Kim, H.D., Baek, H.R., Lee, H.K., Lee, K., Han, H.N., Lee, C.K., Hwang, N.S., Lee, J.H. and Nam, K.T.

Supramolecular nanoparticles that target mapk pathway synergizes with immune checkpoint inhibitor in melanoma

Cancer Research. 2015

Kulkarni, A.A., Sabbisetti, V. and Sengupta, S.

Engineering of supramolecular taxane nanoparticles by computationally modeling drug-lipid bilayer interactions

The FASEB Journal. 2015

Kulkarni, A., Pandey, P., Rao, P., Goldman, A., Ray, S. and Sengupta, S.

Temporally sequenced anticancer drugs overcome adaptive resistance by targeting a vulnerable chemotherapy-induced phenotypic transition

Nature Communication. 2015

Goldman, A., Majumder, B., Dhawan, A., Ravi, S., Goldman, D., Kohandel, M., Majumder, P.K. and Sengupta, S.

Predicting clinical response to anticancer drugs using an ex vivo platform that captures tumour heterogeneity

Nature Communication. 2015

Majumder, B., Baraneedharan, U., Thiyagarajan, S., Radhakrishnan, P., Narasimhan, H., Dhandapani, M., Brijwani, N., Pinto, D.D., Prasath, A., Shanthappa, B.U., Thayakumar, A., Surendran, R., Badu, G.K., Shenoy, A.M., Kuriakose, M.A. Bergthold, G., Horowitz, P., Load, M., Beroukhim, R., Agarwal, S., Sengupta, S., Sundaram, M. and Majumder, P.K.

Physical nanoscale conduit-mediated communication between tumour cells and the endothelium modulates endothelial phenotype

Nature Communication. 2015

Connor, Y., Tekleab, S., Nandakumar, S., Walls, C., Tekleab, Y., Husain, A., Gadish, O., Sabbisetti, V., Kaushik, S., Sehrawat, S., Kulkarni, A., Dvorak, H., Zetter, B., Edelman, E.R. and Sengupta, S.

Nano-hydroxyapatite modulates osteoblast lineage commitment by stimulation of DNA methylation and regulation of gene expression

Biomaterials. 2015

Ha, S.W., Jang, H.L., Nam, K.T. and Beck Jr, G.R.

Hybrid Z-scheme using photosystem I and BiVO4 for hydrogen production

Advanced Functional Materials. 2015

Kim, Y., Shin, D., Chang, W.J., Jang, H.L., Lee, C.W., Lee, H.E. and Nam, K.T.

Biofunctionalized ceramic with self-assembled networks of nanochannels

ACS Nano. 2015

Jang, H.L., Lee, K., Kang, C.S., Lee, H.K., Ahn, H.Y., Jeong, H.Y., Park, S., Kim, S.C., Jin, K., Park, J., Yang, T.Y., Kim, J.H., Shin, S.A., Han, H.N., Oh, K.H., Lee, H., Hong, K.S., Lim, J., Snead, L.M., Xu, J. and Nam, K.T.

Phase transformation from hydroxyapatite to the secondary bone mineral, whitlockite

Journal of materials chemistry B. 2015

Jang, H.L., Lee, H.K., Jin, K., Ahn, H.Y., Lee, H.E. and Nam, K.T.

Anti-platelet agents augment cisplatin nanoparticle cytotoxicity by enhancing tumor vasculature permeability and drug delivery

Nanotechnology. 2014

Pandey, A., Sarangi, S., Chien, K., Sengupta, P., Papa, A.L., Basu, S. and Sengupta, S.

Targeting chemotherapy induced adaptive resistance using hybrid nanoparticles (LB577)

The FASEB Journal. 2014

Kulkarni, A., Rao, P., Goldman, A. and Sengupta, S.

Computationally-inspired engineering of supra-molecular taxane nanoparticles

Cancer Research. 2014

Kulkarni, A.A., Rao, P., Goldman, A. and Sengupta, S.

Clinical translational challenges in nanomedicine

MRS Bulletin. 2014

Sengupta, S.

Sequential application of a cytotoxic nanoparticle and a pi3k-inhibitor enhances anti-tumor efficacy

Cancer Research. 2014

Pandey, A., Kulkarni, A., Roy, B., Goldman, A., Sarangi, S., Sengupta, P., Phipps, C., Kopparam, J., Oh, M., Basu, S., Kohandel, M. and Sengupta, S.

Hydrated Manganese (II) Phosphate (Mn3(PO4)2-3H2O) as a water oxidation catalyst

Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2014

Jin, K., Park, J., Lee, J., Yang, K.D., Pradhan, G.K., Sim, U., Jeong, D., Jang, H.L., Park, S., Kim, D., Sung, N.E., Kim, S.H., Han, S. and Nam, K.T.

Revisiting whitlockite, the second most abundant biomineral in bone: nanocrystal synthesis in physiologically relevant conditions and biocompatibility evaluation

ACS Nano. 2014

Jang, H.L., Jin, K., Lee, J., Kim, Y., Nahm, S.H., Hong, K.S. and Nam, K.T.

PEGylated liposomal Gemcitabine: insights into a potential breast cancer therapeutic

Cellular Oncology. 2013

Papa, A.L., Sidiqui, A., Balasubramanian, S.U.A., Sarangi, S., Luchette, M., Sengupta, S. and Harfouche, R.

Supramolecular nanoparticles that target phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase overcome insulin resistance and exert pronounced antitumor efficacy

Cancer Research. 2013

Kulkarni, A.A., Roy, B., Rao, P.S., Wyant, G.A., Mahmoud, A., Ramachandran, M., Sengupta, P., Goldman, A., Kotamraju, V.R., Basu, S., Mashelkar, R.A., Ruoslahti, E., Dinulescu, D.M. and Sengupta, S.

P2Y12 Receptor inhibition augments cytotoxic effects of cisplatin in breast cancer

Medical oncology. 2013

Sarangi, S., Pandey, A., Papa, A.L., Sengupta, P., Kopparam, J., Dadwal, U., Basu, S. and Sengupta, S.

Design principles for clinical efficacy of cancer nanomedicine: a look into the basics

ACS Nano. 2013

Sengupta, S. and Kulkarni, A.

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the bioactivity of hydroxyapatite coated polyetheretherketone biocomposites created by cold spray technology

Acta biomaterialia. 2013

Lee, J.H., Jang, H.L., Lee, K.M., Baek, H.R., Jin, K., Hong, K.S., Noh, J.H. and Lee, H.K.

Rationally designed oxaliplatin nanoparticle for enhanced antitumor efficacy

Nanotechnology. 2012

Paraskar, A., Soni, S., Roy, B., Papa, A.L. and Sengupta, S.

Mechanistic studies of gemcitabine-loaded nanoplatforms in resistant pancreatic cancer cells

BMC Cancer. 2012

Papa, A.L., Basu, S., Sengupta, P., Banerjee, D., Sengupta, S. and Harfouche, R.

Intercellular transfer between metastatic breast cancer and the endothelium mediated by tunneling nanotubes

Cancer Research. 2012

Connor, Y.D., Tekleab, S., Gill, N.K., Bharat, D., Lloyd, T., Walls, C.R. and Sengupta, S.

A cholesterol-tethered platinum ii-based supramolecular nanoparticle increases antitumor efficacy and reduces nephrotoxicity

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012

Sengupta, P., Basu, S., Soni, S., Pandey, A., Roy, B., Oh, M.S., Chin, K.T., Paraskar, A.S., Sarangi, S., Connor, Y., Sabbisetti, V.S., Kopparam, J., Kulkarni, A., Muto, K., Amarasiriwardena, C., Jayawardene, I., Lupoli, N., Dinulescu, D.M., Bonventre, J.V., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

Insulin-like growth factors promote vasculogenesis in embryonic stem cells

PloS one. 2012

Piecewicz, S.M., Pandey, A., Roy, B., Hua Xiang, S., Zetter, B.R. and Sengupta, S.

Rationally engineered polymeric cisplatin nanoparticles for improved antitumor efficacy

Nanotechnology. 2011

Paraskar, A., Soni, S., Basu, S., Amarasiriwardena, C.J., Lupoli, N., Srivats, S., Roy, R.S. and Sengupta, S.

Quantitative model for efficient temporal targeting of tumor cells and neovasculature

Computational and mathematical methods in medicine. 2011

Kohandel, M., Haselwandter, C.A., Kardar, M., Sengupta, S. and Sivaloganathan, S.

Cancer, signal transduction and nanotechnology

Current Drug Delivery. 2011

Sengupta, P., Basu, S. and Sengupta, S.

The dynamic glycome microenvironment and stem cell differentiation into vasculature

Stem Cells and Development. 2011

Piecewicz, S. and Sengupta, S.

Emerging technologies for enabling proangiogenic therapy

Nanotechnology. 2011

Roy, R.S., Roy, B. and Sengupta, S.

Nanoparticles in cancer chemotherapy

Progress in molecular biology and translational science. 2011

Banerjee, D. and Sengupta, S.

Nanotechnology-mediated targeting of tumor angiogenesis

Vascular cell. 2011

Banerjee, D., Harfouche, R. and Sengupta, S.

Harnessing structure-activity relationship to engineer a novel cisplatin nanoparticle for improved antitumor efficacy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2010

Paraskar, A.S., Soni, S., Chin, K.T., Chaudhuri, P., Muto, K.W., Berkowitz, J., Handlogten, M.W., Alves, N.J., Bilgicer, B., Dinulescu, D.M., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

The Bittersweet Promise of Glycobiology

Biomarkers: In Medicine, Drug Discovery, and Environmental Health. 2010

Chaudhuri, P., Harfouche, R. and Sengupta, S.

Coupling growth factor engineering with nanotechnology for therapeutic angiogenesis

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2010

Sinha Roy, R., Soni, S., Harfouche, R., Vasudevan, P.R., Holmes, O., de Jonge, H., Rowe, A., Paraskar, A., Hentschel, D.M., Chirgadze, D., Blundell, T.L., Gherardi, E., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

Modeling interactions between endothelial cells and metastatic breast cancer cells in a three-dimensional culture

Cancer Research. 2010

Connor, Y., Harfouche, R., Liu, C., Oh, M. and Sengupta, S.

Integrating novel protein engineering and nanotechnology for therapeutic angiogenesis

The FASEB Journal. 2010

Roy, R.S., Soni, S., Harfouche, R., Vasudevan, P.R., Paraskar, A. and Sengupta, S.

Ranking chemical structures for drug discovery: a new machine learning approach

Journal of chemical information and modeling. 2010

Agarwal, S., Dugar, D. and Sengupta, S.

Shape effect of carbon nanovectors on angiogenesis

ACS Nano. 2010

Chaudhuri, P., Harfouche, R., Soni, S., Hentschel, D.M. and Sengupta, S.

Simple large-scale synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanoparticles: in situ observation of crystallization process

Langmuir. 2010

Kim, D.W., Cho, I.S., Kim, J.Y., Jang, H.L., Han, G.S., Ryu, H.S., Shin, H., Jung, H.S., Kim, H. and Hong, K.S.

Single-walled carbon nanotube-conjugated chemotherapy exhibits increased therapeutic index in melanoma

Nanotechnology. 2009

Chaudhuri, P., Soni, S. and Sengupta, S.

Nanoparticle-mediated targeting of MAPK signaling predisposes tumor to chemotherapy

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2009

Basu, S., Harfouche, R., Soni, S., Chimote, G., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

Glycome and transcriptome regulation of vasculogenesis

Circulation. 2009

Harfouche, R., Hentschel, D.M., Piecewicz, S., Basu, S., Print, C., Eavarone, D., Kiziltepe, T., Sasisekharan, R. and Sengupta, S.

Emerging innovation practices and policies for the health-care needs of resource-poor people

Global Forum Update on Research for Health. 2009

Mashelkar, R.A., Patwardhan, B. and Sengupta, S.

Fullerenol-cytotoxic conjugates for cancer chemotherapy

ACS Nano. 2009

Chaudhuri, P., Paraskar, A., Soni, S., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.


Drug Screening Methods. New Delhi, India: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers. 2009

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Nanoparticle-mediated targeting of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase signaling inhibits angiogenesis

Angiogenesis. 2009

Harfouche, R., Basu, S., Soni, S., Hentschel, D.M., Mashelkar, R.A. and Sengupta, S.

A novel embryonic stem cell differentiation system for high-throughput antiangiogenesis screening

FASEB J. 2009

Peicewizc, S., Harfouche, R., Hentschel, D., Basu, S. and Sengupta, S.

Targeting oncogenic signaling pathways by exploiting nanotechnology

Cell Cycle. 2009

Basu, S., Chaudhuri, P. and Sengupta, S.

Searching for glycomics role in vasculogenesis

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics: 5th International Meeting, CIBB 2008

Sorathiya, A., Jucikas, T., Piecewicz, S., Sengupta, S. and Liò, P.

Exploiting nanotechnology to target cancer

British Journal of Cancer. 2007

Sengupta, S. and Sasisekharan, R.

Chemical genetic analysis of glycome regulation in vasculogenesis

Experimental Biology Conference, 2007

Piecewicz, S.M., Hentschel, D. and Sengupta, S.

Temporal targeting of tumour cells and neovasculature with a nanoscale delivery system

Nature. 2005

Sengupta, S., Eavarone, D., Capila, I., Zhao, G., Watson, N., Kiziltepe, T. and Sasisekharan, R.

Nitric oxide modulates hepatocyte growth factor induced angiogenesis

Angiogenesis. 2004

Sengupta, S., Sellers, L.A., Gherardi, E., Sasisekharan, R. and Fan, T.P.D.

Modulating angiogenesis- the yin and the yang in ginseng

Circulation. 2004

Sengupta, S., Toh, S.A., Sellers, L.A., Skepper, J.N., Koolwijk, P., Leung, H.W., Yeung, H.W., Wong, R.N., Sasisekharan, R. and Fan, T.P.D.

Endothelial cells preparing to die by apoptosis initiate a program of transcriptome and glycome regulation

The FASEB journal. 2004

Johnson, N.A., Sengupta, S., Saidi, S.A., Lessan, K., Charnock‐Jones, S.D., Scott, L., Stephens, R., Freeman, T.C., Tom, B.D., Harris, M., Denyer, G., Sundaram, M., Sasisekharan, R., Smith, S.K. and Print, C.G.

A dual color fluorescence imaging-based system for the dissection of antiangiogenic and chemotherapeutic activity of molecules

The FASEB journal. 2004

Sengupta, S., Kiziltepe, T. and Sasisekharan, R.

Delivery of therapeutic levels of heparin and low molecular weight heparin through a pulmonary route

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2004

Qi, Y., Zhao, G., Liu, D., Shriver, Z., Sundaram, M., Sengupta, S., Venkataraman, G., Langer, R. and Sasisekharan, R.

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor can induce angiogenesis independently of vascular endothelial growth factor

Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2003

Sengupta, S., Gherardi, E., Sellers, L.A., Wood, J.M., Sasisekharan, R. and Fan, T.P.D.

Thymidine phosphorylase induces angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo: an evaluation of possible mechanisms

British journal of pharmacology. 2003

Sengupta, S., Sellers, L.A., Matheson, H.B. and Fan, T.P.D.

Targeting of mitogen activated protein kinases and phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase inhibits hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor-induced angiogenesis

Circulation. 2003

Sengupta, S., Sellers, L.A., Li, R.C., Gherardi, E., Zhao, G., Watson, N., Sasisekharan, R. and Fan, T.P.D.

Cyclooxygenase-2-selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor-induced angiogenesis

Cancer Research. 2003

Sengupta, S., Seller, L.A., Cindrova, T., Skepper, J.N., Gherardi, E., Sasisekheran, R. and Fan, T.P.D.

A study of the signaling mechanisms of selected angiogenic promoters

University of Cambridge. 2002

Sengupta, S.

Encapsulation in cationic liposomes enhances antitumour efficacy and reduces the toxicity of etoposide, a topo-isomerase ii inhibitor

Pharmacology. 2001

Sengupta, S., Tyagi, P., Chandra, S., Kochupillai, V. and Gupta, S.K.

Angiogenesis: Concepts and research methodologies

Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the New Millennium. New Delhi, India: Springer. 2001

Sengupta, S. and Gupta, S.K.

Autoimmune diseases

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The Oxford Companion to the Body. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2001

Sengupta, S. and Fan, T.P.D.

Etoposide encapsulated in positively charged liposomes: pharmacokinetic studies in mice and formulation stability studies

Pharmacological research. 2000

Sengupta, S., Tyagi, P., Velpandian, T., Gupta, Y.K. and Gupta, S.K.

Anti-inflammatory activity and pharmacokinetic profile of a new parenteral formulation of nimesulide

Pharmacological research. 1999

Gupta, S.K., Bhardwaj, R.K., Tyagi, P., Sengupta, S. and Velpandian, T.

Expression of inducible and neuronal nitric oxide synthase in 20-methyl cholanthrene (20-mca) induced fibrosarcoma

Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 1999

Sengupta, S., Sanyal, M., Kochupillai, V. and Gupta, S.K.

Evaluation of the antitumour activity of liposomal formulations of etoposide against choriocarcinoma xenografts in balb/c nu/nu mice

Pharmacy and pharmacology communications. 1999

Tyagi, P., Sengupta, S., Velpandian, T., Gupta, Y.K., Kochupillai, V. and Gupta, S.K.

Analgesic efficacy and pharmacokinetics of topical nimesulide gel in healthy human volunteers: double-blind comparison with piroxicam, diclofenac and placebo

European journal of clinical pharmacology. 1998

Sengupta, S., Velpandian, T., Kabir, S.R. and Gupta, S.K.

Preventive effect of chyavanprash against steroid induced cataract in the developing chick embryo

Phytotherapy Research. 1998

Velpandian, T., Mathur, P., Sengupta, S. and Gupta, S.K.

Comparative analgesic efficacy of nimesulide and diclofenac gels after topical application on the skin

Skin Pharmacology and Physiology. 1998

Sengupta, S., Velpandian, T., Sapra, P., Mathur, P. and Gupta, S.K.

Influence of piperine on nimesulide induced antinociception

Phytotherapy Research. 1998

Gupta, S.K., Velpandian, T., Sengupta, S., Mathur, P. and Sapra, P.

Comparative analgesic activity of nimesulide and diclofenac by intramuscular route: correlation with pharmacokinetic profile of nimesulide

Pharmacology. 1998

Gupta, S.K., Velpandian, T., Mathur, P. and Sengupta, S.

Anti-inflammatory activity of topical nimesulide gel in various experimental models

Inflammation Research. 1996

Gupta, S.K., Prakash, J., Awor, L., Joshi, S., Velpandian, T. and Sengupta, S.